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Member since Jan 2008 • Last active Nov 2014
  • 8 conversations

I am I be

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  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Thanks ds3000 and Greenbank

    So are you saying ditch the Maressi shoes and go for the Shimano SPD pedals? What are good prices to pay for them.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    A year or so after moving back to London from cycle friendly Switzerland I'm going to bite the bullet and get back into commuting from Hackney to Wembley.

    First order of this plan is to sort out my ride which is a Condor road bike with single speed ready for the daily commute which according to Google Maps is 13.3 miles each way along the Grand Union tow path and longer in other routes. There are full shower facilities and bike lockup facilities at my office.

    Couple questions
    Cycle shoes or straps or clips?
    I have had these old Maresi shoes knocking around for many years so I am thinking with a 26 miles daily commute I should investigate finally using these. Except I have no idea how! I've always used leather straps with vans on both my Condor and custom fixie (which strictly for summer riding).
    A mate said I need to get plates and change my pedals. Is this correct? Where?
    But others have said get some Nolook straps so I can continue to work my vans and use the Condor at the week for local shopping cycles etc?

    I am probably going to get daddy road bike with baby chair for carrying my new baby on so less bothered about using the Condor at weekends like I currently do. In fact I may simply switch the Condor over to fixie depending on how the commute goes.

    Any recommendations and experiences would be appreciated.

    Does anyone know best (quickest and safe) from Hackney (Homerton) to Wembley Stadium area or can recommend good sites. It's not a great journey NE to NW London but certainly a challenge to do it daily in my target time of 45minutes. I used to use cycle buddy site about 10 years ago...do these still exist?

    Thanks for any tips, recommendations or advise.


  • in Components and clothing
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    Silly old Bagpuss...must have been sleeping when I posted this..;-)

  • in Components and clothing
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    Vintage Marresi cycle shoes. Heel on left shoe is missing but otherwise these are unused classics. Size 46. Colours are yellow with black, green and red detailing. I paid 60 quid for them a few years back now so if I can get that back I'm happy. Collection only.

  • in Current Projects
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    How much polish time am I looking at nutsjesmoar?

  • in Current Projects
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    @lae: Thanks for the great suggestions and yes I want polished alumiumn so I can see my ugly mug. How much work realistically (i.e. am I looking at a weekend) to hand polish the wheels, stem, seatpost, cranks etc.
    I think the dropouts are not horizontal given its age.
    Not sure what I am want to do on the handle bars but definitely looking to change them & the seat.
