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Member since Dec 2007 • Last active Oct 2023
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    I haven't seen this clinically.

    I better come in then!

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    True hip joint pain most commonly presents as groin and medial thigh pain whereas a large number of patients with ITB symptoms will complain of diffuse aching in the buttocks and upper thigh (and sometimes lumbar spine) due to overuse / relative weakness in the lateral hip stabilisers.

    Sorry not being clear again. Do you ever see pts with ITB and groin pain (ie true hip pain)?

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    I don't know of any published evidence to suggest that this happens. It is true that many patients compensate for gluteal weakness with increased TFL use but I don't think this would have a significant effect on increasing ITB friction over the lateral epicondyle. Clinically I find a combination of increased ITB flexibility and increased gluteal strength yield excellent outcomes. To compliment this I may target the TFL to reduce it's activity and tension with trigger point treatment such as acupuncture.

    There is a bit published but poor quality. My question was poorly put though. What I meant to say was do you treat TFL as well. So ta for that! Have you ever come across ITB and hip pain together bearing in mind the ITB's deeper firbers blend into the lateral aspect of teh hip capsule?

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    Too high a saddle leading to excessive knee extension or climbing out of the saddle will have similar effects.

    What's your opinion re TFL and Glute Med/Min imbalance ie TFL rolling the ITB over the Lat Epicondyle as TFL overpowers those glutes hence causing that 'friction' type pain?
