Member since Dec 2007 • Last active Dec 2007Most recent activity
Jesus Christ... get the fucking message... DROP IT. Quit looking for fights. You're acting like a twerp again. Just get with the picture and realise you're welcome here and everyone will be cool with you so long as you aren't storming around like some virtual thug looking for fights and throwing threats around.
I'm a twerp. Your a cunt.
you drop it.
For the record I wasn't looking for a fight. Just won't be pushed into a corner thats all.
Whats virtual about it anyway? Your not a bot. Your a real life breathing human being who happens to cycle past my place on a regular basis. Doesn't seem very virtual to me.
Tomorrow after my Sunday ride I'll put some pics up. Let the reality of it all sink in.
Get it into your head that I don't go round looking for trouble. In the fucking pub or on an internet forum. Someone gets in my face here or in the pub then I stand my ground. This idea that I'm hiding behind the internet is bollocks and I am happy to prove it so.
Step down or ban me. I really don't think that you appreciate that I probably approach things in quite a different way to yourself.
It was a reply. Replies tend to have the effect of singling out.
It was in response to this:
The point I was trying to make was that responding to someone with rudeness because you perceive their post as rude doesn't help anything or anyone, it is escalation as this is the internet and unless someone has explicitly been rude you lack the evidence by which you can be sure there was malicious/rude intent... there is no tone, no body language, no eye contact, no preceding context... the internet breaks all of that and time-shifts it a little. So... if you perceive that someone is being rude and you instantly respond by being blatantly rude... well how do you know if the other person wasn't just being flippant, or didn't think too hard, or was making a joke (and failed)... responding with rudeness unless you are 1000% sure is escalation on the internet.
That was my point, it was in response to your post. Perhaps I should've quoted it so that you could see that, which is kinda my point again... we can't be sure of intent so instead of rushing to the assumption that someone is slighting us, we should all attempt to take the standpoint that good intent was meant unless it's really freaking obvious that wasn't the case.
No one can be absolutely sure of someone else's intent and why do you think you are an authority on how one should conduct themselves? I appreciate you taking the time to explain yourself but I just simply don't agree with your argument. It presumes you are the authority on how people should behave. I personally don't think its anyones place to tell anyone else how to behave. PERIOD.
Oooh, I love that video.
And Torpid, niceness should be the default, even if someone is rude why drop to their level... it reflects on them and not you. Escalation of rudeness though, the "eye for an eye" of internet abuse... that doesn't get any of us anywhere and will only reflect on all of us. People who don't know us may arrive at this thread via Google and think "WTF? How childish, screw joining that forum."... so you, I and everyone should attempt to show their best, count to ten, be big enough to drop it and move along. As someone so wisely once said:
please stop singling me out. there are several others who you should direct this towards as well. yet, again you choose not to.
again last time i hope. I'll be nice to people who are nice to me. I'm not going to tell others how to act. thats their freedom. their right. But if you are rude towards me then I will exercise my right to act how I see fit, not how you think I should.
I know you're having trouble reading this reply, I thought I'd slow you down just a little, but...
I don't follow the above. I (for it is a single person operation) am not a company, nor an organisation. So I am not registered as any entity that would fall under the laws you think might apply. Further, the forum isn't even hosted in the UK, it's not even hosted in Europe. It's hosted somewhere that has no data protection or data retention laws... Missouri, USA.
And to make the forum nice and zippy, I turn off the web server logs and the only data captured for analytics is anonymised and disconnected from the users behind the numbers.
The only thing I do capture is IP addresses when people participate in some way. But as you've found out the only real use of that is being able to put someone on 'miserable'. A delightful feature that will give you random pages, after random wait times, and generally makes it look like your (not you're) internet has just broken. Does it work? I'll let your silence tell us.
I don't have to use a static IP
The server being in another country does make it hard to enforce the data protection act.
This is the deal. People who are rude to me will get rudeness back. And those who are want to play nice, guess what, I'll play nice. See some of the other threads for evidence of this.
Ban me and I will find another way to deal with those who think they can oppress me.
Why is it so hard to accept that when you are rude to people they are likely to be rude back?
I know I am a stubborn fucker. I don't need anyone to tell me that. Banning me will only fuel me further. It won't be the end of it. I assure you my determination will not wane. A ban will just take this in a new direction.
and I'll say this one more time for those that seem hell bent on skipping this bit.
Be nice to me and I am nice back. It's so simple. It really really is.
torpid, please stop all this, all you are doing is winding yourself and others up, in other posts you have said sensible replies.
VelocityBoy will end up banning you from here.(not a threat)why don't you guys stop all this?
Velocity boy has no grounds to ban me.
But every action has a reaction, apparently.
mate, what the fuck would you do if I lived next door? Internet threats mean shit all. I could be Michael 'The Count' Bisping for all you know. WTF? don't be such a tit. There's no such thing as honour or pride on the internet - it's anonymous. Get over yourself and stop trying to be such a fukin martyr.
No threat.
Your young, just a kid, so I'll help you out on this one. This particular forum is very localized. There are many threads which allow anyone to gather information which debunks your anonymity claim. This isn't a threat just stating the obvious. Reality is I've passed a few of these guys while out cycling.
As for threats a legitimate threat was made against myself on this forum my a member. I haven't yet acted upon it.
You might want to check this with bringmemyfix as he seems to be an authority on everything. But there is this thing called section 5 of the threatening behaviour act which covers this. The person who made the threat, probably wasn't much older than yourself and was maybe also under the impression that he could remain anonymous. That just isn't so.
Another beautiful thing is the data protection act. Which applies to any company or organization in the UK. This forums site administrator is required to keep all member info for 6 years.
sorry if you were or have been acting under the pretense that you are completely anonymous. Life isn't always so black and white.
Thanks for trying to explain what ever it was you were trying to explain. The last time I looked this thread was about fixed vs single. I haven't been asking for advice. When I need some I'll create a thread. Then by all means give me some of your advice, for whatever it is worth.