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I was just working up to introducing myself.......but after reading this thread and several others lately in the same vain,lots of purile
sarcasm and aggression ive got to wonder.At first it was quite funny,but it seems like you guys are just waiting to pounce.Seems pretty
sensible to me to post specialist bike stuff on a specialist bike site ???........Ive been to bike polo and a couple of social rides and i can
put names to faces (the main offenders)you seemed like intelligent peeps,what gives ?? really you should be ashamed of yourself.I expect
you will have no end of smartarse comments,stupid pictures,and little in jokes`to reply with .Fortunately there is only a few wankers,the site is exellant and most of you partisipate in the right spirit,and im sure as site grows the dickheads will be marginalised and pushed off the track.Bon soir, Velo
Check this out... ......
well worth a look (cycle related)..V.