Member since Sep 2007 • Last active Jun 2009- 0 conversations
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i rode a plug just yesterday - the evans store near work let me have a test ride. its beautiful design meant it stood out from the crowd - the blue and brown leather combo is vital, reminding me of a friend's '68 bristol (car) - and i have totally fallen for it. to be fair, it was the first time i'd ever been on a single speed, let alone a fixie, and i am hooked. i thought it rode pretty well compared to my current bike - i have a crossroads - and hope to buy one soon. the funny thing is, i've spoken to LBS in brick lane and brixton, and both seemed rather underwhelmed by its componentry.
it can be upgraded, however, and i know i'll change the tyres pronto - should i have the cash to get one
Hello there,
is your mate still looking to get shot of the major taylors?