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Member since Sep 2007 • Last active Feb 2014
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    Bagaboo workhorse is an excellent bag. I used a decidedly second hand one for currying (couriering) in London for two years carrying way more than perhaps was intended (up to fifteen lever arch files fully loaded and all my tools lunch rain gear etc) with no problems to my back. Never let a drop of rain in even in torrential rain, never had any problems in any respect. In fact I still use it for moving lots of stuff by bike. Compared to my Mission workshop rucksack (which I thought was pretty shitty) the workhorse was indefatigable.


    Its a WORKHORSE, it really is a working bag, not the most beautiful bag on the market and not great off the bike. Its really made so you can sling it round infront of you without taking it off and has straps and adjustments all over which if your only planning on light use might be unnecessary.

    If your going to be walking around a lot with the bag get an Ortlieb. Germans don't fuck around and having two straps means if you don't need to go in the bag whilst on your bike all the time your just going to be more comfortable.

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    When I worked there Richard fired me with 0 notice because he felt he wasn't making enough money at the time which because I'd been living on minimum wage meant I had no savings and eventually resulted in me being homeless. He had just opened and ended up with too much of the wrong stock. Looks like he's doing alright now though.

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    Excellent stuff, well done max for making the jump. Not brand suicide at all.

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    It's called PAULS custom cycles. The website has changed recently but used to have a GT mountain bike converted into a TT bike with Dura Ace.... Weird.

    Not really sure what direction this place is going to take but they seemed to be taking in stock the other day.

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    Your welcome.

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    I was going to ignore this thread because you could have just googled tfl complaints but then everyone decided to jump to conclusions and didn't help you at all. So I've even googled it for you because I think attitudes like that are exactly why i stopped using this forum.


    Obviously you weren't a passenger so you have to describe that in your statement. Also be very particular in details such as the time of the incident and and exact account of what happened, specifically the drivers aggression.

    I've made a few complaints through this channel before and got a response every time telling me that the driver had been reprimanded. Incredibly I even got the drivers name on one occasion.

    Whilst I'm almost certain that nothing really happens the guy who gets these e-mails will have to log the complaint and if enough people complain about drivers acting like this then maybe they will start to pay attention... Maybe.

    Also failing that I have contacted the bus companies directly before to a similar effect. Takes me five minutes and makes me feel %50 about having not smashed the buses windows :)
