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Member since Sep 2007 • Last active Aug 2009
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    So after much perseverance, it appears they're locked solid. I'm due for a service in a month or so, so I'll bring the service forward a few weeks and try to get them to fix this crap for me too.

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    The bit outlined in red is where I applied the wrench. It doesn't seem to want to move, and there are no other obvious places to wrench it. I'll Man Up™ and give it another go.

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    I've either got stupid amounts of rust, or the pedal axle is welded to the crank :(

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    I can't for the life of me figure it out.

    Here are both ends of the pedal, where I'd expect a screw to be. They're both sealed:

    (the first is a bad photo, but it has an "R" for right side pedal)

    I've tried prising the ends off, but they're not seeming to budge much, and I'm loathe to break them to get them off.

    Anyone know how this works? I presume I'm being dense somehow, but still...

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    Cheers for that, sent him an email with further enquiries.

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    Never mind, I found this:


    Which seems to have some recent advice on wheels.

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    andrewleitch86 I love my Fuji. Twitchy though is what I've noticed about it. It doesn't like going faster than 26mph downhill. Bob Jackson's are a popular bike. I'd personally buy a new wheelset first maybe and then upgrade other bits and then when you get a new frame you can swap it all over. Spread the cost.

    I'm leaning towards that, it seems like a reasonable way to keep it going whilst looking towards an (eventual) upgrade.

    So with that in mind, what do I look for in wheels? I've been told the hubs on my Fuji are shit (something about low-profile flanges meaning they're less strong), and everyone here seems to also think that Alexrims are also sub-par.

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    BringMeMyFix Maybe the thread would be better entitled: "Advice for a hipster consumer."

    Just look on the net, and go round bikeshops, and keep leching up other people's bikes till you've got a good idea of what ticks your fashion/utility boxes, and then buy/cobble together the thing.

    Then wait 6 months for East End trends to alter, and repeat the whole process.

    Easy ;)

    Harsh but fair. The other point of my post was to find out how I go about learning about quality components and the "theory" behind bike quality so that I can ultimately make up my own mind when I do decide to splurge on new shit.

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    Vinz You could respray your bike and shorten your stem. That would solve 2 and 3?

    Practical advice to be sure, but it doesn't appeal to the shameless consumer in me. ;)

    Perhaps I should have titled this thread: "Bike advice and WANT MOAR SHINY COMPONENTS PLS". Or something.
