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Member since Aug 2007 • Last active Sep 2008
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  • in Bikes & Bits
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    I had a pair I used for a couple of winters. They're OK. Better ride and lighter than than the Marathons I used last winter. Getting them on and off Open Pros involved blood and curses though.

  • in General
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    +1 for Bicycle Workshop on All Saints Road. They were always helpful when I lived over there. I dunno if the still do so, but they used to do a first-come-first-served bike clinic on Saturday mornings.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    I've had two pairs. The hubs themselves are very good, but the washers that go on the inside of the dropout ( what are they called anyway? ) are made of cheese and will break and you'll have a bugger of a job finding replacements.

  • in Components and clothing
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    That's a lovely frame. What's the top-tube measurement?

  • in Components and clothing
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    Lovely, lovely.

    What's the top-tube measurement?

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    I rubbed mine off with the edge of an old credit card. I suppose heating them up with a hairdryer might have helped. It was easy enough anyway. Lighter fluid will get rid of any remaining gunk
