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"Phil Wood track rear, large flange" on CXP33 36 spokes 3 cross is
left:285.9mm right:284.1mm
"Phil Wood track rear, large flange" as listed on Spocalc is single sided, so for a double sided hub it would be 284mm both sides.
Front track LF is not listed, but should be same as rear right. Sorry not sure what rim is "deep v", also need to know whether large or small flange.
TheBrick(Tommy) dam the riders journal is sold out only 135 gbp, that's because they never had any actually for sale in the first place, it was just a publicity gimmick, to get people talking.
Some drivers must be sociopathic, given the way they drive. I watch the Shard concrete pouring thing, and these huge cement lorries were thundering up and down St Thomas Street one after another. They didn't even slow down as they entered the site; the entrance was only just wide enough for one of these things. Their attitude must be "it's not my fault if you get squashed if you get in my way".