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I need them gone! I'm moving to Canada this weekend, completely forgot I still had these around..
New York £28, Mini £15, both for £37? Pick up from Surbiton free, or go halves on postage, or I'll travel to waterloo sometime on friday for an extra couple quid?
I've also got a few old parts around, an old, cheap (I presume..) campagnolo wheel, gear stuff, etc.. Free if you care to pick them up, they're going in the trash on friday night! I wouldn't travel all the way from Central London to pick this stuff up, but might be good for someone who lives nearby.
I've also got an old frame (someone bought a pair of wheels off of me a while ago and was supposed to get the frame, but we ended up not meeting again, probably my fault!) that might be useful for polo, but not much else. Pick it up for free, or it'll be thrown out.. :(
Cheers guys!
PS: things are a bit hectic with packing and shit, so feel free to email me on tiago aaaaaaat twistedeyes dooooot com as I'm leaving my email window open and it'll pop up sooner than I'll be able to check back here!
edy - actually, pics not coming.. Not today at least! I'm sure I took some pics for dOcA a while ago, but can't find them anywhere.
I'll try to snap some pics tomorrow. It's a pretty crap frame, not really useful for anything other than polo. I think it looks more like a frame from a dutch bike rather than a track/road frame.