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Member since May 2007 • Last active May 2007
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    hey guys, won't be making it tonight, have a cup of tea for me... x

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    any idea of a date?

  • in Rides & Races
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    hhhm, it took him until Sunday night to recover, and it got messy! My bloody battery is dying so hopefully I will be able to get in contact. Very hungover today I nearly threw up mid-ride on the way to work. I was still pretty drunk and threw a pint of milk at a van that cut me up. He didn't even really cut me up I was just still drunk. oops.
    Can't wait to see Willy! I think if I leave dead on half six I can get there for quarter past 7, and wont miss out too much.

    Roxy - awnser your phone! x

  • in Rides & Races
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    I can't believe willy's back, we need to have a welcome home party!

  • in Rides & Races
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    Gotta go and get the bike so prob won't be there till 8, Roxy can you text me or whisper me the location?

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    wooooo mash and beer!

  • in Rides & Races
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    Yeah where's the pics Roxy?? Thanks for sorting it out everyone. The rum definately helped and will have to put on a few pairs of socks next time. Even though the cold wasn't that bad, just gotta keep yourself moving!

    Vic the neighbourhood busy body was being just that so no worries about us using the court. I will break in everyday if someone ends up telling us we can't use it!

    Not sure about motorbike guy, but there were people shuffling in the bushes watching us! Superfreaks!!

  • in Rides & Races
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    That was so fucking funny! Expect to have bruises and hangovers on a Wednesday from now on ladies. Kind of like Fight Club but much more high pitched.

    There were a few ladies I know of that weren't there though...

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    MA3K [quote]dogsballs "witch"-crafting, or be-dazzling (glueing fake stones onto sweaters)


    he he
