Member since Apr 2007 • Last active Feb 2021Most recent activity
As is tradition I always post my new work on here because I always get super positive feedback (Or I used too...!) I've just done a new music video for a new band on Sony Records called Seafret. Starring Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) and it's pretty much the best Walthamstow based super hero origin story you will ever see :-) ENJOY!
two expensive looking track bikes being sold amongst the shitty ATBs on Brick Lane today. One was black and had chromed (or possibly white) lugs, small size, maybe 52cm, and the rear stays faded from black to white, it had some pretty hefty Deep rims on there, one black the other silver.... A young blonde trendy guy bought them and another similar fixie.... Brick Lane is just open selling of stolen goods. With the sort of info collected on this forum, I'm pretty sure people could get their bikes back there....
The Claud Butler that I saw last week had been stolen the night before from a house in Hackney Downs. It was featured on The Hackney Peddler's Instagram and FB. If only I'd seen it on the sunday I would have got the bike back for the owner!