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Member since Apr 2007 • Last active Aug 2007
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    aidan [quote]
    yeah its quite common for (black) people to not look where they're going.....i think it has somthing to do with them being from africa......have you noticed it allways seems to be polish people that step out into the road without looking?

    My comment was observational not racist. I have no problem with you disagreeing with me but suggesting I'm racist in this and later posts isn't on.

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    I can confirm that Norwood, is not only shit, but is also the worst place to cycle for people cutting you up. I was breaking my bollox trying to get to the cash n carry last night to meet someone, (having not left myself enough time to get there comfortably) and from the end of streatham to the start of purly way I was cut up by (black) people pulling out without looking or without any consideration for me as a road user 8 times in 12 streets and left hucked by drivers twice. I could swear kellogs had a give away driving licence with every pack of cornflakes there.

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    Langster, Track, Fillmore, Plug, Pompino, T1, Pista, Flyer, have missed loads I'm sure, although there are some ok bikes in that lot.

    It looks like one of the above bikes after a clerkenwell/soho owner has it for six months and I think the lack of branded parts will apeal to a lot of courier/commuters who already rap everything in tape to disguise their frames identity.
    Condor get parts made with their logo's on them so I don't see the problem with swobo having parts made with theirs. I'm sure its just formula china/taiwain factory parts rebranded.
    That said £300 quid buys a FUJI though and the rest of those bikes (bar maybe the Pomp which is a bit better than the rest IMHO for commuting) are overpriced compared to it.

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    I'm all in favour of women wearing lycra...

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    Wow the DRAMA. He could effectivly use his legs and jump stopping while the rims break in as many brakeless riders do!

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    Shimano brake pads aren't very good in the wet. Give it a few weeks until the paint wears off the rim and you will have more friction on the rims. If its not dry and better then you need to replace the pads. I wouldn't go near a new bike with scouring pads personnally. Let it break in naturally.

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    If this guy was seriously hurt in the accident and you are tracked this is pretty damning evidence that you maliciously damaged the car in the run up to a more serious accident. I think you should delete the content.

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    Cleats are also a common culprit, and tight chain links - noises seem to travel to other bits of the bike.

    My spd pedals are really noisey with the clicking and the creeking . Do you know is it worth trying to change bearings or is it better to just buy new pedals. They are only 1 year old but have had a lot of use.
