Avatar for Brixtonfixed


Member since Mar 2007 • Last active Mar 2007
  • 0 conversations

Most recent activity

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for Brixtonfixed

    Pearson Touche -- town, winter hack, training
    Mercian Audax Special -- long rides, stuff that's too hilly for fixed
    Brompton S6L -- business trips
    Orbit Routier tandem -- family outings
    Knackered old Saracen mtb -- school run
    Kona Fire Mountain mtb -- neglected on account of recently discovered addiction to road cycling
    Tasty Ti road bike -- on order

    It's a good job there's no more room in the cellar.

  • in General
    Avatar for Brixtonfixed

    Hi all -- yet another C+ inhabitant arrives. I look forward to banter and the odd ride.

    Advantages to both, yeah -- but fixed has more of the advantages!
