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Member since Oct 2023 • Last active Dec 2024
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    Selling a Casio CDP230R

    Plays well, comes with stand and stool

    Based in N10


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    Yes. No previous convictions or points

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    Err no. I didn’t want to get searched as I have a few times and it’s never felt like a nice thing.

    Mentioned this at work and quite shocked a couple of people said they watch videos/podcasts while driving (on hands free) I’d say that’s way more dangerous but I am in the same boat and I got caught. Phone users while driving really make me mad and it only takes a second to fuck up. I’m going to treat it as a good reminder not to get my phone out while riding tbf

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    Thanks. Yes I probably said too much but I really didn’t want to get into stop and search situation. Just said sorry I understand the dangers and tried not to stare at a tiny spider crawling across his bald head. Fingers crossed with the penalty notice. Cool trials bike btw.

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    Good point. I've changed it now (changed it on the day). Lessons learnt here.

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    Tried to reason with the guy and he said would let me off the black number plate and the fact I was off to work (wasn't covered on insurance for commuting) but yes I think I mentioned checking the time (didn't unlock it only tapped it). I'll see what the notice says when it arrives. Feel stupid as I knew the police where there and I did it without even thinking. Makes so much sense when you stop to think don't use your phone while operating a motor vehicle.

    Fully expecting to get shafted on insurance. More than I am currently (£1200 - a year which is way more than the bike cost).

    As far as I can see on internet 12 points is max for CBT (full car licence) but if I go full bike licence I may have problems.

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    Did a really stupid thing. Stopped at lights and pulled my phone out of my top pocket to check the time. Pulled over and told it would be up to 6 points and £200 fine. As I’m on a CBT does that basically mean game over? I know I’m the idiot here.
