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Member since Oct 2022 • Last active Aug 2023
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Passionate cyclist, not a bike mechanic. If something can be fixed I'll fix it rather than replace it.
As a hobby I repair Di2 components, both rim and disc brake shifters as well as derailleurs

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    Avatar for Di2_GP

    Good work, glad I could be of assistance. Another Di2 saved from trash = Success

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    Based on my experience there are 3 types of failures for rear Di2 derailleurs:

    1. Clicking/grinding noise - caused by loose bolts inside the servo. This can be fixed 99.9%
    2. Grinding Noise - possibly caused by a knock or fall. This may resulted in striping teeth on the worm-screw attached the to motor. replacement motor required. Could be repaired but spare parts are required.
    3. No response to shifting, or several clicks required. This is likely water damage- you have 50/50 chance of repair depending on the water damage. PCB is small SMD components even smaller and with no description, so difficult to source replacement.
    4. Shifting out of sync (under or over shifting) - caused by a knock, water damage or devil himself. Usually, can be repaired, as there is position sensor (rotation counter) which tells derailleur which gear is selected.
      I haven't had the opportunity to repair front derailleur, apart one case of rusty linkage - that was purely mechanical.
      I also repair Di2 hydraulic shifters.
      Any questions please give me a shout.

    P.S. If I can't fix it your item, it won't cost you a penny ;-)

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    Avatar for Di2_GP

    I wish :-) We only share the same surname.
    I'd be happy to cover the postage. Many parts across 6870/9070/R8050/R9150 are the same so could be used as donors.
    I'll PM you

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for Di2_GP

    Hi I'm happy to look at look at it. I'll be honest I haven't taken any eTap apart, except shifters.
    if that's something you'd like to explore, give me a shout. BTW I'm the guy who repairs Di2, Decided to come up with a cheesy nickname ;-)
