Avatar for OxfordGear


Member since Jun 2022 • Last active Jun 2022
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    Avatar for OxfordGear

    Do you need anything more than just an app? If you want it free/easy look at https://i24app.com/ or just use a spreadsheet. but if you want more id look into the big names like quickbooks, xero, wave etc. if all else fails, ask your accountant. Wheres this business based?

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    Avatar for OxfordGear

    I dont know what its like in Brentford but around Oxford all the bikes end up on Bumblebee auctions and gumtree. Which get rounded up by the police then 1 local bike business owner has a deal to buy them all for cheap and sell them back to people. Its always best to look at those sorts of places as well as the typical ones.
