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Member since May 2021 • Last active Sep 2022
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for user128765

    Hey people!

    Looking to sell my Bianchi Sei Gironi 2020 as it’s just an inch or two too short for me and looking to get a crazy upgrade!

    I just wanted some advice on the price range for this bike and what is fair.

    It retailed at £900 and I bought for £750 last year and it had only been used on a velodrome a handful of times.

    Atm it got all the same parts apart from a cinelli seat post.. new pedals. New back tyre (gator skin) as of last week.

    Parts I’m keeping for the next bike are the straps and the bullhorns.. (I have two sets of drops and a range of different sprockets for the next user)

    Thoughts ?
