Avatar for Construct


Member since Mar 2021 • Last active May 2021
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  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for Construct

    Got mine installed, and went on a 104km cruise to test them out.
    I would have to caution ppl not to attach them too tight. I cracked the plastic a tiny bit, but was able to glue and support within the wrap. Feels super safe and comfy.

    Also, I have carbon bars, so to protect against having a pressure point of the screw digging into the carbon, I cut out a square pieces of leather from an old belt i had, and placed the squared between the screw and the bar (you'll see a square gap).

    The only bad part about these are the comments on reddit, and FB fixed gear groups by roadies that pretend to understand what riding a track bike is like.

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for Construct

    Are these available yet? Or can we get/buy the 3d printer files?
