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Member since Jun 2020 • Last active Aug 2022
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    Thanks for the suggestion, how would I know from my timing rings what width chain they would accept?

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Oh, also one of the front canti brake bosses sheared off the fork when I got it home while taking the brakes off for a clean/service. It must have got stressed/weakened in India or possibly took a knock on the plane. Thank f*ck they didn’t break out there is all I can say!

    Suggestions for a fix? Can either get a new fork, get a new boss brazed back on (Argas frame builders in Bristol, about £40-60 I reckon) or just get a nutted caliper brake and fit that as the fork crown is already drilled. We’ve got canti at the back and a drum brake too so I’m not too worried about stopping power

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Hello! Found this thread after finding the other one where they restored a Dawes super galaxy and went round France and Spain on it.

    My girlfriend and I picked up a second hand super galaxy last year in Bristol, I restored it and fitted it out for touring then we took it round India for a month. It was a pretty special trip, incredible and terrifying in equal measure... we’ve got loads of pics and a diary, we should really get them online some time!

    Anyway, I came here to ask about chains. Our timing chain is stretched and worn out and needs replacing, what do you guys go for? I was thinking KMC S1 or Z1, two of them linked together? Cheers
