Avatar for ReCycle


Member since Jun 2020 • Last active Dec 2021
  • 1 conversations

Recycle is a community project which provides an environmentally friendly means of recycling unwanted bikes. If you donate your old bicycle to the project, our service team will refurbish it with the support of volunteers or local people wanting to gain work experience. The project provides a hands on training opportunity to gain new skills and experience. The bicycles are then sold and all money made reinvested back into the Recycle project. Recycle is part of the Get Socially Active project.

By donating your old bike you know your once loved bicycle will be going to a good new home; potential landfill is reduced and an opportunity is provided for a local person to gain hands on practical refurbishment experience.

How to join the project:
The project is aimed at supporting people who live in Lewes, Newhaven, Peacehaven, Seaford and surrounding villages. If you are unemployed or not working for reasons such as carer responsibilities, managing a disability or long term illness and aged over 19, we invite you to contact us to discuss the project.
Or do you have some time to spare and could help Recycle as a volunteer? Are you interested in helping to mend and refurbish bicycles or helping in the office with marketing or admin tasks? We would love to talk to you if you are interested in joining us as a volunteer.

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