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Amelanchier Lamarckii is a good shout that will do well in full sun. The Rich Bros love Crabapple, Evereste is a nice variety that doesn't grow too big, and I've seen them plan native multistem hawthorn
Personally not a fan of Birch (hayfever, shallow roots, not much seasonal interest) but if you do, Himalayan would be better than our native Pendula as it doesn't grow enormous and has nice(r) white bark
Had a similar realisation a few years ago. I've taken it and Cetrizine for years but never very consistently.
I'm not great at checking in with myself but started to notice I was irritable, had brain fog and random bouts of feeling really low. I've got limited experience with feeling like that but I do remember it being horrible. Seem to recall feeling quite a bit better soon after stopping
Haven't tried any allergy medication since and am a bit more focussed on symptom relief now (cold eye compresses, big sunglasses, vaseline inside the nose) - none of which are helping much this year
Mind me asking where you got the mudguard mounts added? I've got the same bike in a 58