Member since Apr 2020 • Last active Sep 2020- 0 conversations
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Anyone lost a 2014(?) Trek Emonda SL 5?
I found this bike in the state below (minus wheels) back in mid-February. Have tried various stolen bike fb groups, Instagram pages and the local police but to no avail. Once it had spent a while being reviewed by the police, they said that the frame number had not been reported and advised me to hang onto it.
It's now in a rideable state and I've been using it as a bit of a commuter... Still doesn't sit well that it might be someone's stolen pride and joy though and I'd like to get the frame back to its original owner. Am relatively new to London but today, was pointed towards this group. Hopefully will have more luck here.
Thanks in advance
Aussie, relatively new to London.
Ex bike mechanic, current mechanical engineer. Not really into racing but love nerding out over all things custom bikes.