Member since Jun 2019 • Last active Jun 2019- 0 conversations
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hi. my name is steve. i live in australia these days. originaly from cheshire. just found your site and was blown away at the photo above of the tri coloured dawes. i have the very same bike i bought in cambridge back in 1989. i used mine for touring and the more i learnt about building bikes the more i changed it. primarily because the seat tube was so laid back and was so far from the verticle of the bottom bracket that it put huge pressure on my back when touring. the bike has circumnavigated australia, india,north and south america, south east asia, north africa , new zealand and a million miles around europe. hence with some many kms it has had alot of maintenance. the fork steerer tube, down tube and top tube have all been replaced because of cracking. it has been re painted numerous times. i have also rebranded it to expedition tourer.
another shot