Member since Jun 2019 • Last active Jul 2019Most recent activity
- 1 comment
Thanks mate, i'll have a think about your wifes - sounds pretty much what im after.
Regarding the loan option how would that work? Would it be possible to take two for the first week (friend from Germany wants to join me) happy to pay. If you want to shoot me an email to discuss more that would be great.
I am coming to UK from Australia and a friend recommended this forum for all things bike.
I would like to purchase a used Brompton for touring London to Aberytsworth Wales and any advice anyone has for routes etc. At the moment we are looking to take around 10 days.
I'd like features on the bike to include rack, extended post, 6 gears and firm suspension. That said i'm open to alternatives.
Any assistance greatly appreciated
Hi again London bike legends.
I posted re. Looking for a cheap brompton. While that search is ongoing I’d like to do a quick tour with a friend from Germany this weekend.
I’m looking for two bikes to loan Friday-mon, both large, can be cheap but at least one rack would be nice and ability to go off road. Not a serious tour, just a bit of fun.
Also any advice on best 3-4 night routes accessible from London, expecting to travel by train to skip the boring bits.
Ang help greatly appreciated!
Joey (from Aus)