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Thank for your help, i installed the tyre tonight and everything so far seems good.
I was maybe over panicking :)
Tube is for 47c max, tyre is 50c. Inflated to 2.5 bars, it won't explode ? I did put 25c tubes in 28c without issue but once again, it for my kid carrier bike so don't want to get trouble. -
Don't know if I am in the right place but :
Just received 2 schwalbe big apple and one has a flat spot who seems to be permanent. I first thought it was from being stuck in the box during transit but even if I squeeze it to get its roundness it does nothing.
Do you think it will be cleared when mounted on rim with a tube or will I feel it while riding, ie I better ask for refund and get another one ?
They are for my kid carrier bike so I really want to avoid troubles.Thanks.
Look at the front, you will understand