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I live in Hull (flat and sometimes windy) and find 66 pretty much perfect for riding around the city (or for a more relaxed winter ride with some rolling hills). Can do reasonable speeds without spinning out too often (30km/h is a comfortable cadence of about 94) and cadence does not fall too low when going more slowly into a headwind.
It looked like this on 25th of June and like it does now on 27th of August.
Angled leg presses also differ a lot in weight, so the physio's recommendation only really makes sense if they know which machine will be used. Also, for a particular machine and weight, the difficulty changes a lot with foot placement (lower on the plate will generally be harder, which is why you see most people with feet placed too high if they are interested in improving quad hypertrophy/strength), depth (most people stop far too high) speed of rep, degree of pause at the bottom. I would hope the physio gave some advice about this form stuff. I would focus more on good consistent form and working up slowly ( but with enough challenge) than worrying about a particular (seemingly nonsensical) target weight recommendation.
As well as the specific recommendations already given, there are also many online converters. Googling 'compress mp3' gives several options on the first page of search results.
Ideally you would compress from a lossless format (e.g. WAV, FLAC). Generally, taking a lossy format (like MP3) and further compressing it will not give as good a result. I am not sure how much difference it makes in practice, particularly if it is just voice.
How is it encoded? You could lower the bit rate. Libsyn's own recommendations are:
Spoken Word Shows:
Stereo Bit Rate - 192 kbps or lower (In Mono this gets cut in half)
Sample Rate - 44.1 kHz
Channels - MonoMusic Shows:
Stereo Bit Rate - 128 kbps or lower
Sample Rate - 44.1 kHz
Channels - Stereo
Stereo Mode - Joint Stereo -
I posted this earlier in this thread:
For the golfer's elbow, you might try what Mark Rippetoe recommends here:
or here:
Basically, do a lot of sets of bodyweight chinups with a submaximal number of reps. In the second video he recommends each set should be a third of your max. E.g. if you can do ten reps, then he suggests sets of 3 reps with a 1 minute break, with the goal to do twenty sets (but if it is too painful, then start with fewer sets and work up).
It seemed to work for me. I developed golfer's elbow just before the last time gyms were forced to close for covid. It didn't seem to go away even when I was just doing some bodyweight stuff at home, so I tried the protocol he recommended, and it seemed to work (at least I no longer have golfer's elbow).
Bulk has a January sale on: £74.99 for 5kg of whey protein. It is only slightly cheaper than MyProtein, but the prices for both are the lowest I have seen them in a very long time.. (Whey protein prices have risen significantly over the last couple of years, though not as much as creatine!)
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