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Black Friday Reduction £39.00
Offer closes 20.00hr Monday
New for 2021 is the gold coloured, and gold standard, pump adaptor for everyone.
Slightly modified from the Previous model (Blue) with a stronger and improved lever ratio. This will change your life when it comes to a quick and easy attachment to your road wheels, track wheels, track disc's, Road discs
Simply slide on, squeeze the handle towards itself (against the barrel) until it locks.... and start pumping... up to 200 psi if required.
Similar adapters on the market are in the regen of £125.00 (Inc the adapter and spare grommet) this does not need a special adapter to fit to your pump it also arrives with a spare grommet and clip to fit @ £45.00
Just a old bloke and a very keen cyclist. A successful transplant cycling athlete. Very lucky to have good contacts in the cycling industry and sell a few bits.