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Member since Aug 2017 • Last active Oct 2017
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    You can normally do cycle training via goldsmiths. But if not via the uni, you can do it either in the borough you live or study. Or both even. Ask your instructor to help you plan you route from home-school. It takes some time to get used to London and get to know the ways from a to b. Took me about two years. Good luck.

  • in National Standard Cycle Training
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    Also #toptip: listen to clockwise. He dragged my backside into becoming an instructor and he has helped my riding and my son's riding (and my instructing and all the rest).

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    Also, perhaps as a sidenote: this study was held in Denmark. A country were high viz is a lot less prevalent than in the UK. Could it be that Danes subconsciencely think "whoaaa high viz, something is wrong/up, I need to pay extra care", whereas their uk counterpart is more blinded by it because high viz is now so common they don't really see it as a warning sign? No studies, as far as I know have been made around this. Also, how can you compare the two countries when one country is pretty much only known for decent cycle infra?

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    Obviously high viz is a red herring. We need to concentrate on the real problem. You can wear all the bright neon you want, if people don't care to look, there is no use. When I cycle my bright pink cargo bike in winter, adorned with flashing neon lights (as you do), I still get smidsy. Is that because I didn't make myself "visible", or is that because drivers are not paying attention?
