Avatar for Philipflop


Member since Aug 2017 • Last active Dec 2024
  • 11 conversations

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  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for Philipflop

    Ah, seems I'm late to the Konjac party then! What brand are the wide version? Thanks!

    Thanks @Tenderloin, Bulk have them at £0.87 a pack at the moment! Will stock up!

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for Philipflop

    On the calorie density thread what are people's thoughts on Shirataki / Konjac noodles? I chucked them into a miso mushroom coconut broth thing and really enjoyed it. Only just found out about them, are they really as good as they sound, minimal calories / carbs, lots of fibre, what am I missing? (obviously eating lots of veggies with it for some nutritional value!)

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for Philipflop

    I take notice of it but it doesn't really help. 33 last night, generally around that, up to 38 sometimes. Only time it does anything else is around a big race, it dropped to 26 for a week or so after a 24 hour race in Sept.

    I think the guidance is a bit misleading and suggests it should be higher for generally fit, not overloaded people but I'm never anywhere near that. I think it might be more useful for someone starting up to avoid overload but once you have a decent base and are consistent it doesn't do much, unless you do something big, which obviously you then know you are totally obliterated, and it serves as a good gauge to take note of, so you don't come back too soon!

    N of 1 study...

  • in Components and clothing
    Avatar for Philipflop

    Do you still have this?

  • in Wanted Adverts
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    Anyone got a Tern Hauler or Transporteur front rack lying around they are willing to sell please?

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for Philipflop

    Anyone got a Tern Hauler or Transporteur front rack lying around they are willing to sell please?

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for Philipflop

    What's the plan for lining it? My Brighton bike shed is kind of "tanked" with a rubber membrane that is raised on three sides and open at the lowest point at the back to allow drainage, then it has a layer of the black planter fabric stuff before filling with the soil / gravel stuff.

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for Philipflop

    M&S "Our Best Ever Mince Pie" off the bakery counter is very good, really crunchy pastry, good boozey filling. £1.85 per mincer isn't cheap but is significantly larger than Gails which retail at £3 a pop... Going to be shifting my luxury mincer allegiance it seems!

  • Avatar for Philipflop

    Yep, looks interesting. Never done a cupping before so will be a learning experience! Was sold out on a lot of the UK roasters last night already including Square Mile! Craft Decaf still have some.
