Avatar for Goodtoknow


Member since Apr 2017 • Last active Jul 2017
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Photography
    Avatar for Goodtoknow

    “I’m only trying to show what is happening here … I think that most people who live in places where there is no conflict don’t really understand how difficult it is for most of the residents. Many families have nothing to do with the conflict and just want to survive. To me, it’s very important to show the reality on the ground, how families struggle and why so many choose to flee.”

    yup, that's quite visible, thx;

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for Goodtoknow

    thought/conclusion of the day,

    after observing and analyzing reactions to making purchases with cash and cards (incl. Monzo), finding overwhelmingly the more human method of exchanging coins and paper/plastic to be more appreciated;

    though do wish Monzo well, and have found computer terminals at supermarkets to be quite indifferent,


  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for Goodtoknow

    over the weekend discovered that a lost iPhone had been discovered, then noticed a notification that somebody had logged into iCloud; so the lost iPhone no longer appears in FindMyiPhone,

    • which surprised me, as unless somebody had hacked into my iPhone to find out my iCloud password, or guessed my fingerprint / combo-code.. quite unsure how they managed to recover the lost iPhone,

    (though happy that they did!)
