Avatar for chilliBean


Member since Apr 2017 • Last active Aug 2017
  • 0 conversations

Warwick Uni student - Dolan Pre Cursa

Most recent activity

  • in Coventry
    Avatar for chilliBean

    I see the odd bike locked up around town but never seen anyone actually riding. I came back from Kenilworth along a bit of it, but only to the turn off to the Uni, I'll check it out when the weather is nice. I enjoy absolutely bombing it down Red Lane into Kenilworth though

  • in Coventry
    Avatar for chilliBean

    Yes! An active fixed gear rider :O I'm a student at Warwick with the Dolan - you might have seen me around. I'm up for pubs and rides :D

  • in Coventry
    Avatar for chilliBean

    Just checking in, is anyone else out there? [Picture: I went for a ride to Kenilworth the other day]
