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Member since Mar 2017 • Last active Dec 2024
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    I think I read the older 70s Ofmega stuff had slightly different taper, but the later 80s and onwards stuff like this Mistral is standard ISO fit.

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    Thanks, that's the first italian bike I've owned that has such a common sense system :)

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    After staring with revulsion on every ride at the ultrasonically cleaned (not by me) seatpost on my Max Tommasini, that had its shiny chrome finish replaced by a grey so dull Nigel from accounts rocked it as his midweek underpant colour of choice, I could take no more and had to replace it with a shiny one that matched the bikes chrome seat stays and
    seatlug. I can sleep soundly at night now.

    Also managed to source an Ofmega Mistral crank for the bike. Always liked the look of these, gives a sense of forward motion and I can pretend I had enough power to melt snd warp the crank like that;)

    And I made the classic mistake of buying the crank without even considering what BB it needed, I had 3 different length square taper italian thread bb's in my parts bin so one of those would fit surely.....wrong. Turns out these cranks need 118.5 length axle which is longer than anything in my stash. So big thanks to Wayne at Pedal Pedlar who couriered me over a special Sunday delivery Ofmega Master bottom bracket so I could get the crank fitted to bike before the end of the weekend, and I just managed to fit it and take
    a few picks before sunset. Thanks Wayne!

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    It's Columbus SLX New so figure it's early to mid 90s?

    I'm not familiar with Cinelli serial numbers, but if they're un-Italian and logical for a change, and some of the numbers on the BB shell actually correspond to years then maybe 95:)

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    Thanks, nothing wrong with Daytona levers tho, they operate just like Chorus bit maybe a tad heavier. These were barely used and I got them for a fraction of the cost decent 10 speed Chorus shifters goes for, so was a no brainer.

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    Managed to sneak in another Italian before year end, Cinelli Supercorsa with 20 speed Campag.

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    All I can think of when I see those saddles is the concertina card/paper bit over the chocs in a box of After Eight mints.

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    Thanks, as for the seatpost grrr that's a thing that really grinds gears. I couldn't tell from the original listing pics but it's been ultrasonically cleaned. I hate people that do this, cos what they've done is not clean it, no, they've stripped all the chrome off and fucked the look it, that's what they've done, fucked it. Stop with this shit.

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    Yeah, I love all Max forks but the straight bladed ones are really distinctive and look great.

    I've got some straight Max lugged fork blades I had made for my ti Merckx last year after Columbus decided to re-release Max, but think the original one piece all chrome ones still look the best, straight or curved versions.

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    Typical trolling by the weather gods, build up a shiny chrome bike on Saturday and there's then zero sun all weekend, only coming out again when everyone has to go back to work on Monday.

    All the chrome deserves a sunshine pic, and as we not likely to see much of the big orange orb in the sky over the coming months, I grabbed a pic with its sibling Tommasini in full shiny get up.
