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Member since Dec 2016 • Last active Feb 2018
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    Anyone know how much your average Deliver rider should make a month? I know it depends on how good you are but I'm just talking about your hypothetical average Joe of Deliveroo.

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    I don't mind moderate rain, but if its absolutely banging down then thats going to be pretty awful.

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    If you're on Universal Credit like me then it probably will hurt if its not reliable.

    But it seems nice being able to do something like that without having to take the cr@p that comes with most other jobs.

    Also say one day it was hammering down can u just not bother doing your shift and theres no consequence?

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    I see thanks, doesn't look like a good option for someone who's currently unemployed then because of the uncertainty of how many hours ill get.

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    Hi, just found this thread via Google as I was thinking on becoming a deliveroo cyclist in a provincial city - Liverpool.

    Just wondered what would be my likely pay after tax and NI per day?

    Also can you do as many days a week as you want?

