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Well I'm used to buses lurking right behind you when they are trying to get to their stop, or pulling in front of you then cutting you off - both of which are annoying but expected when we are constantly sharing the same lane. But I've never had a bus driver just wantonly try and run me off the road because it seemed like he couldn't be bothered acknowledging my existence. Thanks, I will report back here how I get on.
Hi guys, was wanting your advice on how and who best to report an incident to? Was riding home from work on Wednesday night on Essex Road when a 73 bus drives up alongside me and proceeds to pull in for his stop as if I'm not there. He was edging closer and closer to me and I had to slam on the brakes and fall back behind the bus to avoid a last second collision. I pulled up to his window and had a go at him, his response was "You can see an indicator, can't you mate?" which I feel would be a fair response had he been in front of me, started indicating and I rode in between him and the curb, but not when he drives up next to me and tries to run me off the road!
I have a helmet cam which recorded the incident, and I switched over to camera mode to take photos of the driver so I have that too, as well as the license plate number. Does anyone have any advice on who best to report this to? Arriva (the bus company) or the police? Both? Any help much appreciated.
Helmet cam recording -
Sorry to hear that mattioats. I hope it ends up being less serious than you mentioned!