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Member since Oct 2016 • Last active Mar 2019
  • 3 conversations

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  • in Components and clothing
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    I would like to dibs the Rotor crankset.

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  • in Bikes & Bits
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    I'm not a diagnosed/registered asthmatic.

    I've never been a hay fever sufferer either although that horrible brown tree pollen stuff can get to me when I'm riding.

    However I do think I may have some kind of exercise induced issues because I suffer from irritations more when I'm on the bike. But then again I am a deep mouth breather also.

    Perhaps I should put my big nose to more efficient use?

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    I came to this thread hoping to find out about anti-pollution masks and their efficacy but am non the wiser, so not really sure what to do?

    Since this warm weather we've been having this last week I've really noticed the poor air quality in central London and it seems to be having a bad effect on me. I've had a sore throat for several days now but no onset of a cold, also I sometimes get this weak feeling in my lungs and I'm shit scared to inhale deeply so VO2 max isn't exactly helped either.
    I was in Regents yesterday doing a little recovery ride and the amount of vehicles in there was astounding! they should do like the Mall on Sundays and stop cars from entering so that we can breath properly at least once a week.
    Wasn't the congestion charge sold as an anti pollution measure? since the advent of those poxy Uber cabs it seems like there is more gridlock than ever.

    Lastly, what is the general opinion of wearing scuba tanks for cycling?

  • in Components and clothing
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    Hello Tester, are these still available?

  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
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    What are the measurements of the top and head tubes?


  • in Rides & Races
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    do they do strict checks?

    You are electronically timed it may be viewed as cheating.

    Perhaps you could all meet up at the first feed station?

    I was in pen 13 last year and was going good but then I lost a lot of time on the poxy Jeaux Plan but the broom wagon didn't sweep us up.

    If you are already on the last mountain the broomy will (generally) let you go.

  • in Rides & Races
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    A mate who is out there now has just messaged me to say that he'd done 40 miles on the flat today and it was 35 degrees.

  • in Rides & Races
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    The organisation seems pretty efficient to me. I reckon they would take a dim view on trying to jump up a pen but jumping down maybe you could say you overslept?

    But yes those timing chips know everything you do.

  • in Rides & Races
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    There is only an 8 minute difference in your start times. There are a thousand people per pen So if you were at the front of your pen and he at the back of his that would stretch it out a bit.

    I'm guessing you want to ride together so just wait for him at a prearranged spot and you'll be fine.

    The broom wagon will be your Nemesis but only if you blow-up or linger too long.

    Pens 7-8 should be alright.

    Or is it the case that you want to get into his pen?
