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Member since Oct 2016 • Last active Nov 2016
  • 1 conversations

Cycle on fixed wheel or 36" unicycle. Prefer old steel frame bicycles.

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  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for csb10

    Thank you for all the comments on this. I've decided that it doesn't have enough sentimental value to be worth repairing.
    If anyone is interested in repairing the frame, then it's available for free. Centre to centre sizes are: ST 59cm, TT 60cm.
    Collection only from near Woodbridge, suffolk.

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for csb10

    It was quite a big impact! Thankfully I got away with just bruises and a few cuts, the other cyclist was unhurt. I'm based near Ipswich, Suffolk.

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for csb10

    My favourite fixed wheel bicycle which I've ridden for 30 years, 196? Jensen, 531 tubing, ornate lugs, might have met its end. Had a cyclist ride out of a side road in front of me, I went over the top and landed the bicycle vertically on the front wheel. Forks look ok, but the top tube and down tube are badly crimped next to the headset lugs.

    If it is repairable, I think it would need new top and down tubes and a respray. Are the headset lugs likely to be reusable? Whilst I was getting all that done, I'd have the bottom bracket shell replaced as the threads are badly worn. I'm trying to decide if it's worth repairing, or better to put the money into another frame similar to this one.

    I've attached a picture of the damage.

    Any thoughts or advice would be gratefully received.
