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Member since Sep 2016 • Last active Apr 2018
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  • in Track Cycling and Velodromes
    Avatar for Packfodder

    Sure. People tend to forget that packs like this are changing all the time - someone may pull out of either line, and gaps seem to open and close for no clear reason, so it's important to be flexible and prepared to move back or forward. The main thing is to be safe and predictable when you're dropping down
    on the back.

  • in Track Cycling and Velodromes
    Avatar for Packfodder

    Hi. Yes, 48x16 is a little undergeared - the hire bikes are 48x15 and 49x15 or similar is a pretty common training gear. That said, Fred Wright and Ethan Hayter were winning track league on restricted youth gearing until pretty recently so it's not all about the inches.
    For the "pairs on the blue" drill, the solo rider should be on the lower "blue" line. So if you're the next rider to join, you just drop down above them. The next rider drops down to the blue line behind you, the next joins above them etc. If people don't stick to this, it causes gaps, confusion and potential risk.
