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Member since Sep 2016 • Last active Sep 2016
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    She could've been my daughter... lol

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    I was walking by the canal today, somewhere after kingsland road (Hackney) towards Islington, when I heard a bell near behind me, straight after some kind of bike steering sound, add to that a short exclamation, and a girl on a bike just went by me on the water side, she barely touched me, fell in front of me and splashed into the water. I don't know why but I kept my cool, kneeled down she extended one hand and we got hold of each other, then she extended the other. By now other cyclists arrived and helped get her bike out from beneath her, with little effort I pulled her out as much as to be able to sit on the pathway. I remember whispering "you're OK now..." She was able to stand up but in a bit of a shock; she was soaked to the bone. I remember she apologized twice while in the water and once when she was out as if she was sorry to inconvenience me, but I asked her not to apologize, I said "I" feel sorry for what happened to you! I asked her if there was someone with her but before she was able to answer a guy appeared saying don't worry I'll take care of her. So that was it, It must've been a relative or boyfriend. It happened today 08/09/2016 around 3pm and thought I'd share it with you.
