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Some spunk adder stole my sscx the other night so I'm looking for recommendations on a replacement.It was the Verenti Isolation that wiggle had a season ago that I'd swapped out some of the parts on, bb5's to bb7's, mud-guards, BMX pedals etc, even though it weighed a tonne it was perfect for here in Copenhagen.
Being that the bike was stolen I don't have a massive budget, £500-ish. For that I'd like disks again but other than that I don't really have any musts, I won't be racing or anything, this is a bike for thrashing about the city and hitting some mud and dirt tracks when the desire hits me.
I doubt I could build a similar bike on that budget, which really gives me a plug disc, A day one or the marin nicasio which isn't really a cx bike. I did have dreams of a Nature Boy but my budget doesn't go that far without a lottery win.
So yeah, what do you know?
How do you rate it?