Avatar for ms-uk


Member since Apr 2016 • Last active Apr 2016
  • 0 conversations

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  • in Rides & Races
    Avatar for ms-uk

    Do you still want to cycle the Prudential RideLondon challenge this July but missed out on a ballot place?
    MS-UK has places for fundraisers to take part in 2016’s event. Join 24,000 riders in the UK’s biggest sportive whilst raising money to support those affected by multiple sclerosis. As a national charity MS-UK helps people living with MS to access the information and support they need to ensure they have independence, choice and clarity.
    Reasons to join our riding team:

    1. A fundraising Welcome Pack with lots of fundraising ideas
    2. Loads of support and encouragement
    3. MS-UK cycling jersey
    4. 100 miles of pedal power!!
      If you’d like to ride for MS-UK check out our website, email mark@ms-uk.org or give us a ring on 01206 226500.
