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Oh no, there’s been a terrible mix up!
When I said he walks to the beat of his own drum, I was merely referring to his independence of thought by way of a walking band metaphor (or marching really, glad no one picked me up on that howler).
I can see the confusion I have caused. I am sorry. So very very sorry.
Supply and demand? You must have skipped out on economics 101...
Supply and demand and meant to meet to create a market equilibrium, forcing sellers to charge the clearing price. Also, it’s a model that applies to commodities - which this is not. That’s 101.
What you’re doing here is fishing for a fool where you have an information advantage. Capitalism is always dragged out as the reason why dicks are allowed to act like dicks. Yet, it’s the free information flow within a community (might be on to 102 now, stay with me!) that rewards continued dickish behaviour with a reputation. You are now a dick.
Once you have the reputation of a dick, those in the community will warn others that you are a dick (what this post and broader thread have turned into) and your schtick will be dead. Repeat games - wait that’s 201...
Sit and chill or sold for bills? Holy shit, you said that just to annoy me... or are you being serious?
I could lie and say I looked hard, but two pages back? C’mon, who goes that far back?
Surprised no one gives a fuck. Some say that particular teams from Middle East have this flywheel tech perfected.