Avatar for Bamster


Member since Feb 2016 • Last active Aug 2016
  • 1 conversations

Tattooed, fixie obsessed 40-something riding for fun and to race as many Red Hook Crits as possible.

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    Thanks @laner - will get my butt down to HH and get inducted in time.

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    Dumb question time...

    Is the novice event open to those who don't have track accreditation?


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    The series is undoubtably at a crossroads. It either chooses to remain a race series that 'the rest of us' can participate in, or it goes the other way and you end up in a situation whereby Specialized fly Sagan in to lap everyone in two laps and he wheelies the remainder of the race (to be fair, I'd probably go watch that!).

    It's easy/hard [delete as applicable] to make a case for both scenarios. As a spectator, do you want to see Olympians and pro riders? or Freg Bloggs from your local bakery?

    On the flipside; if you're an amateur fixie rider, do you want pro riders entering 'your' event as nothing more than a piss about in an off week to crush you out of something you've worked really hard for a year to be a part of?

    And not forgetting; This is now firmly Trimble's business and means of making a living. No one wants to hold a brother back. And certainly not one who has a love and passion for fixed gear racing.

    So the question is; does RHC now follow a path that makes it bigger and more successful, but not necessarily something that you or I stand a chance in? Or does it choose to keep it smaller and more accessible for the average joes and accept the limitations - in terms of facilities, infrastructure and prizes - that inevitably means?

    As is usual in these cases, it's probably $$$ that will decide.

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    Doh. That's what I meant. Thanks for clarifying ;0)

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    No. New location. Original circuit here:

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    2016 Course Layout:

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    I'm in. Who else is racing?

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    Registration for London opens 7 June.

    Now; if you could all hold off registering until I've got mine sorted, that'd be great. Cheers! :-P

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    The neutralised first three laps in qualifying and the rolling start in the final were a very clever piece of race direction. Avoided a lot of potential carnage.

    The respect shown by everyone I raced with yesterday was something else. This is the start of something special for us fixed gear racers.

    Can't wait for the next one!
