• #4
The roberts axle finder thing on sjs claims this will fit but 163 is a good bit longer than I have now?
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• #5
Well I don't actually know but I'm sure we can figure it out.
Can you measure?
You've got 142 between dropouts so you need to have only enough length to pass 142mm plus the thickness of the non drive side dropout on the non threaded section. If the threads don't start until after this point, it's too long.
So the short wiggle one (which I don't think is in stock) is 160mm with 15mm thread. So 145mm unthreaded. Assuming the non driveside dropout is more than 3mm thick, I think it'd be fine. Just it might stick out the drive side if your dropouts are narrow.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong -
• #6
Cheers for the help, I’ll have a measure tomorrow
• #7
It'll thread into the driveside actually, thinking about it. So edited the above. You need less length on the non threaded section than the 142 spacing plus non driveside thickness
• #8
Is your hub 135mm?
• #9
No I’m fairly sure it’s 142
I think a 160mm long brand x axle will work, it will poke out a tiny bit but the amount of thread engaged should be the same.
This is my axle measured from the start of the axle part. Might just try it and see, the current one is unuseable
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I’m trying to replace the rear thru axle on my orro as it’s a QR lever style but the QR is impossible to fasten/ unfasten!
The standards written on the axle are 12.0150.5L m12 (p1.5) * 11.5L
Which I think means 12mm diameter, 150.5 long, 11.5mm of threads?
These seem impossible to find eg all the ones on wiggle seem to be much longer axles and longer threads https://www.wiggle.co.uk/prime-lightweight-road-disc-thru-axle?lang=en&curr=GBP&dest=1&sku=106051226&utm_source=google&utm_term=&utm_campaign=&utm_medium=base&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIh_z6k5fG-AIViK3tCh0VUwJpEAQYAiABEgJ4gfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
How much longer can you get away with and how much more thread is an issue?
Thanks for any help
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