• #2
That'll fit on my front basket right??
• #3
We're gonna need a bigger bike...
It might actually fit on a PedalMe trailer. Failing that, a ZipVan / Ad Lee would do it.
• #4
wish i had a garage or shed
• #5
This would defo break a pedalme trailer in half haha or break the rims on its wheels
• #6
Dunno, they’re rated for 300kg...
• #7
yeah i know, i used to work for them and seen less than 300kg cause issues on earlier versions. Though I know they've iterated on them since i worked there.
This thing looks heavier than 300kg no? and its smaller dense footprint means weight isn't spread, all around potentially causing issues?
I dunno, I'm intrigued though haha
• #9
Some more photos and dims.
1200mm wide, 1200mm tall, 860mm front to back at the widest point.
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• #10
Interested, would love to take a look in person if possible.
• #11
Yeah course, I’ll PM you
• #12
Aright. Someone buy this and make some nice stuff.
Price drop t0 £600, 10% donation to forum.
This little guy is sitting unused in my workshop, I want to set him free to do what he does best (make round things).
Think it's a model CUD, but I'm not sure. Three phase but easily converted with a VFD for about £100. You get electronic variable speed into the deal too. I used one from Inverter Supermarket on my pillar drill, works a treat.
I've got a few bits and pieces with it, four jaw chuck, some tooling. If there's any interest I can take photos / you can come and have a look at my workshop on Hackney Road.
Don't really know what it's worth, but we'll say £650 collected with all the bits. Probably won't post.
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