• #2
shiit i was wondering why the gate was broken, i think its the second time in the last 6 months or so?
• #3
Yes, the repair that was only recently completed cost £180,000
• #4
180k to repair a gate?
• #5
its a pretty fancy gate
• #6
Fair enough.
• #7
emailed and shared.
• #8
So what cars have hit the gate?
• #10
Couldn't see the model of cars. Person in the car was a fucking idiot.
Used to be nice to drive and park in regents park.
• #11
Was an ancient BMW 3 hit the gate. Cretin who was driving panicked and locked up the brakes, to judge by the vid.
• #12
Yep cretin.
• #13
To be fair, the gate wasn’t wearing hivis. Probably the gate’s fault.
• #14
Hot take
• #15
If the gate was only wearing a helmet, it might still be able to dance!
• #16
What if someone just cycling there and this two petrol head idiots came from back in this speed ????
This two "drivers" should be banned from driving for life man. -
• #17
The PPEPanther strikes back
Make your views known to the Crown Estates Paving Commission:
Nick Packard
Director, CEPC
12 Park Square East,
Regent’s Park
London NW1 4LH
T: 020 7935 8049
E: info@cepc.org.uk