• #2
< forums >
< classifieds >
< components clothing and miscellany >
< complete bikes and frames & forks >
< wanted adverts >depending on what type of classified you are posting
right hand side of the screen 1st grey box below the search function
< post a conversation >
enter your classified ad having read the rules
• #3
your actual post is in the classifieds > complete bikes and frame& forks section
so you have actually posted a classified but just used it to moan how difficult it is to post rather than putting your add in there
just select < wanted adverts >
good luck next time
• #4
Size & price would help
• #5
Sorry!sorry!and sorry again...J am not use to practising forum.I am going to try to post a correct classified.
• #6
Don't worry it can be quite tricky to get your head around the system.
Good luck.
Maybe I am totally crazy (probably because I am French....)I cannot get how to post a classified.Tried for a long while....failed!
Actually I am looking for a all city nature boy Zona (49cm) preferably frameset because of parcel.If you heard something...let me know.Thanks a lot.Sorry for my poor English.I just turn my 70 so English lessons are far and I was not a good people back then!
Hello and thanks to all. xavier