• #2
Sjs cycles have 48 hubs and rims
• #3
I think the problem here is the urgency,I have spoken to Ian.I have a wheel that is close but not quite right.
The wheel is for a 135 spaced triangle and the couple are (hopefyully )leaving Weds. morning
Anyone able to help?
I think even an earler hope hub might help as the problem is with the free hub,so a freehub transplant might work.
Hi all
Got a customer here at TWG whose Hope tandem hub has just failed and he’s off to France for a two week holiday on the bike. The Hope hub is obsolete and I’m desperate trying to find a wheel for him - to buy or even just loan for a couple of weeks. If anyone’s got anything or knows anyone who has, me and Charlie would be massively grateful. You can message me or call me at Two Wheels Good on 020 7249 2200. Cheers, Ian