• #2
Dibs on the Deltas. PM sent.
• #3
Dibs - Cruise
• #4
second dibs on the deltas and the cruise
• #5
Pm'd peeps.
Sunny out..
• #6
Cruises gone, Deltas spoken for.
Buy the Titans, they are great riding glasses!
• #7
I have just found a pair of Bloc Deltas, same as above but they have never been worn (still have sticker on lens).
Bloc Deltas - Red mirror lens - cat 3
Few pairs of glasses up.
Bloc Titans - Red mirror cat -3
4 lenses (I lost the clear ones) worth it for the installed lenses alone. Great glasses to ride in. The pink HD lenses have never been a great fit but all others are solid, scratch on one yellow lens - cat 3. Comes with good but scratched-up hard case.
Bloc Cruise - Green lens - cat 3.
Simple style, my favourite pair of sunglasses to date.
Bloc Deltas - Red mirror lens - cat 3
Decent fit. I dropped them and put a noticable/not-noticable scratch on the left lens so they are -->
I have just found a pair of Bloc Deltas, same as above but they have never been worn (still have sticker on lens).
Bloc Deltas - Red mirror lens - cat 3
Collect E10 or can meet central, no post atm.
Crappy Samsung collages -->
3 Attachments