• #2
Hi mate, I have one in good nick. 172.5mm, probably looking for £85 plus shipping for it. No chainrings. PM me if interested.
• #3
HI, I have these 172.5 54/39 80 euros + shipping
2 Attachments
• #4
^ good condition...
• #5
Cheers for the replies, to be honest I have no idea what is a fair price for this crankset in good condition.
Gintas_CE the piece you shared would indeed be in great condition if I took a polishing kit to it but I would rather avoid the trouble of such an endeavor but cheers for the offer.
Winty dono, could you share some pictures with the year model etc, If i am correct different models had a different bcd also do you have the chainring bolts?
A quick e bay sold item search brought me the following
• #6
ahh missed the details about netherlands. make sense now. dutchman are notorious for being cheap as fuck
• #7
That made me laugh, but you are correct in your observation. If only you were so eagle eyed in grading the condition of components .
Wanted: Mavic 631 Starfish crankset in good condition, I would need it mailed to the Netherlands. I will use it as a single speed so it doesnt matter really what condition the chainrings are in.